Introducing PRECISION1™
In the development of PRECISION1™ we have taken what we have learnt from DAILIES TOTAL1® and used that to inspire our SmartSurface® technology, which has a water surface content that is greater than 80%1 resulting in long lasting comfort for wearers.
Who should wear PRECISION1™?
Ideal for lasting performance seekers who :
Want long lasting comfort and vision
Want an easy to use contact lens
May be new to contact lenses

Leveraging the technology of DAILIES TOTAL1®, the first and only water gradient contact lens, Alcon created PRECISION1™ contact lenses with SMARTSURFACE® Technology. A Microthin layer of moisture (~2-3 microns) that steps up from 51% water content at the core to greater than 80% at the outer surface1
Designed with Lasting Performance Seekers in mind to deliver

The PRECISION1™ Augmented Reality experience
Insight shows that 72% of people aged 15-24 are interested in wearing contact lenses5. Unfortunately when we manage to get new wearers into contact lenses, 70% of new wearer dropout occurs in the first 6 months6. Our patients are looking for support when starting in contact lenses and 81% of new wearers would find it useful if their optician provides tools to help them during their trial period7.
We have developed a unique end to end contact lens journey to accompany PRECISION1™, but it comes with a twist- it is powered by Augmented Reality. PRECISION1’s Augmented Reality experience is designed to help patients new to wearing lenses overcome their fears, driving them into your practice. It will also deliver key support content for existing wearers new to PRECISION1™ who may need reminding of application and removal and key contact lens FAQ’s. It is available 24/7, by simply scanning a QR code using their phone.